Falcoa operates in the aluminum foundry business, offering services of casting under pressure (injection), by gravity  (die)  and machining.

We produce parts for different industry segments such as: truck accessories, auto parts, electronics, hardware for tempered glass, parts for automated compressors/awnings, leisure, telecommunications, trackers, GPS cases for agricultural machinery, barbecue grills, and so on.



Falcoa, a company with 100% Brazilian capital, was founded in August 1, 1992 in the city of Araucária in the state of Paraná targeting a little known market in this region: the gravity casting or mold casting market.

Since its foundation, Falcoa has always sought to improve its equipment - from its electric furnaces to the development of specific presses and models for parts at a very low cost for this type of foundry.

This helped Falcoa to grow a lot, enabling it to move to its own headquarters in 2000, and to be awarded with a NBR ISO 9002/94 certification, starting a new phase of its development, expanding its market share and allowing the company to distinguish itself from competitors from other states.

Falcoa acquired its first injection machine in 2006 and started its pressure injection business, aiming to offer a differential in the market and to diversify its business and make it more competitive. In addition to this new service which is offered to its customers, the company has started machining of parts. A spectrometer was also bought so that aluminum could be quality ensured for the manufacturing of parts.

Aiming at ensuring quality and reliability of its manufactured parts and an evolving technical knowledge in its line of business, Falcoa bought 3D measuring equipment in 2015. In 2017 a crane was installed in the factory, meaning a big step which improves employee safety and better care of customer goods (molds).

With more 30 years in the market and with growth plans, Falcoa is constantly updating and keeping pace with the technical evolution to ensure its market share, and continues to seek to provide a quality service, always offering support so that our products meet the Customer’s best expectations. All mold improvements, process optimization, and raw material cost reduction are passed on to the product, contributing to a systematic cost reduction.

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Falcoa group of employees is committed with dynamism and innovative spirit and work together to achieve all its goals, being always updated and trained to achieve quality, which is the ultimate goal in all areas of the Company.

Training is considered a key element for personal and professional development of employees and the Company itself, so Falcoa seeks to always offer the needed internal and external training for employees, which provides productivity improvement and continuous improvement in the whole manufacturing process.